Solve Your Health Problems Using an Alkaline Diet Plan

In today’s fast paced lifestyle where it becomes increasingly difficult to stay healthy, an alkaline diet plan is crucial. People are constantly bombarded with stressful tasks, causing them to skimp time and effort on their own health. Because of the limited time they have for themselves, only a few people manage to get at least an hour of physical exercise daily and stick to a healthy diet. Gradually, their bodies become acidic and deoxygenated. It becomes important to follow a healthy diet plan to eliminate toxins and bring back proper oxygenation.

What SHow to make your body more alkalinehould You Expect with an Alkaline Diet Plan

An alkaline diet plan will harness fruits and vegetables, particularly green and leafy vegetables, to offset the acid products of certain foods. Consuming foods such as meat, dairy products, refined sugars, breads, artificial and processed foods creates acidic chemical by-products which cause carbon dioxide retention which then promotes growth of cancer cells, harmful microorganisms and bacteria. The Alkaline Diet Meal Plan can help you to avoid such unwanted problems such as cancer.

People always ask the question on how to make your body more alkaline? Let your diet be your medicine. When you follow an alkaline diet plan, you will feel a significant boost in your energy levels, mental clarity and immunity. You will also see an improvement in your mood and your skin’s complexion. Some women notice an improvement with their menstrual cramping. Weight loss is another consequence of an alkaline diet. It is, however, normal to experience withdrawal symptoms should you dramatically decrease your consumption of acid forming foods altogether. Some people experience fatigue, headache and mental fogginess for a few days after starting the diet plan. By the time your body gets used to the Acid Alkaline Diet, you will feel better than ever.

Easy Alkaline Diet Plan  (The Acid Alkaline Diet)

  1. It is clear that you cannot totally get rid of acid-forming foods. Milk, eggs and meat are still beneficial to your health. However, in an alkaline diet, the ratio of alkaline foods to acid forming foods is higher, preferably double. So for the Acid Alkaline Diet, for every acid forming food, you should consume two alkaline food items. This 2:1 ratio is easier said than done so another technique is to fill your daily diet with 70% alkaline foods and 30% healthy acid forming foods. The key to this diet plan is to have a greater input of alkaline foods to offset the excess acidity in the body, to improve oxygen circulation and to eliminate toxins. Any unnecessary acid-forming foods and beverages such as milk, white commercial bread, fast food, soda, artificial fruit juices, processed foods, candies and canned goods should be gradually eliminated.
  2. Vegetables are considered alkaline and fruits form alkaline by-products when processed by the body. However, fruits and vegetables vary in levels of alkalinity. Some fruits such as bananas, pineapples, cherries, peaches and pears should only be consumed in moderation due to their high nutrient content.
  3. Keep lemon water in a glass of pitcher and use it to substitute plain water when you eat your lunch and dinner. Lemon has good alkalizing capabilities. To alkalize your body even more and detoxify your liver, dilute the juice of half a lemon in a glass of water first thing in the morning.
  4. It is hard to follow an alkaline diet plan if you don’t like what you’re eating. Although it is necessary to know how alkaline fruits and vegetables are, it’s hard to come up with a diet plan on your own. You can search online for various alkaline diet recipes and buy alkaline recipe books.
  5. Bring your own specially prepared food at work or school. It’s difficult to find a convenient restaurant or canteen that specializes on serving alkaline meals. Pack alkaline food snacks because fruits and vegetables are easily digested. Adding fiber-rich foods like psyllium husk and organic oats help you stay full longer.
  6. Always carry your own drinking water. Proper hydration plays a big part in an alkaline diet.
  7. Prepare fruit and vegetable smoothies. Most fruits and vegetables are best consumed when uncooked. If you have to eat something acidic, have a glass of fruit and vegetable smoothie. Invest in a high quality blender and food processor. There are also powdered greens which you can add to your smoothies.

Committing yourself to this type of Simple Alkaline Diet Plan may take a few weeks to perfect. A healthy lifestyle and diet is always a journey. How to alkalize your body fast is what you should be asking yourself.

An alkaline diet plan presents benefits that could be the solution to many modern health problems.