How To Make Your Body Alkaline

alkaline diet planWanting to know how to make your body alkaline? Its simply by following an Alkaline Diet Plan. Because of today’s stressful and sedentary lifestyle coupled with nutritionally inadequate foods, most people live with overly acidic bodies. The parts of the human body cannot be treated as separate from the entire body. One part that becomes out of balance is enough to affect other physiological process in the body.This is where a review or your acid alkaline diet comes into play.

The primary importance of knowing how to make your body alkaline is to bring back the pH balance in your body. An excessively acidic pH contributes to the abnormal proliferation of bacteria, viruses, microbes and even cancerous cells in the body. Restoring the balance of your body’s pH helps to normalize several physiological processes. Your blood has a normal pH range of 7.35 – 7.45. Any deviation from this in any body part leads to a plethora of diseases that can be life threatening.  You have to know how most of the things you do contribute to decreasing your body’s pH if you want to make your body alkaline, basically your need to sustain a an Alkaline diet plan


how to make your body alkaline

Ways on How to Make Your Body Alkaline on a Alkaline diet 

Your body depends on your daily diet for nutrition. The following tips on how to make your body alkaline will focus primarily on what you eat and drink. Make sure to do these steps as often as possible to make the acid alkaline diet work for you.

  1. The first step to increase your body’s pH is to reduce your intake of acid forming foods. These include flour, refined sugar, dairy products, meat, processed foods, and junk foods. If your budget permits it, opt for grass-fed animal products. It will be difficult to withdraw from these foods so start by gradually decreasing your intake of them. This is an important step because no matter how much you try to increase your body’s pH, if you continue to consume acid forming foods, you will just cancel out your efforts.
  2. If you’re worried about your protein intake, whey protein isolate (from powdered protein shakes) is a clean and excellent protein source.
  3. On an Alkaline diet plan you will need to increase your intake of different fruits and vegetables, preferably organic to avoid pesticides and other additives. You can research online for various recipes and dishes. Whenever you eat something acidic like meat, consume something alkaline as well. Fruits and vegetables have varying alkalinity so diversify your choices. Potassium-rich foods like bananas also help lessen the body’s acidity.
  4. Start with the right breakfast. Have organic oats, almond or soy milk, chia seeds, psyllium husks, and fruits. Your intestines have more optimal absorption early in the morning.
  5. An easy way on how to make your body alkaline is to drink 1 teaspoon of baking soda mixed in a glass of purified water. You can add any natural fruit juice to improve the taste. However, if you have edema or hypertension, avoid this method.
  6. When on an acid alkaline diet, before breakfast, drink a glass of lukewarm water infused with the juice of half a lemon. Wait 10 – 15 minutes before eating breakfast. Lemon juice, when processed by the body, turns alkaline. As a bonus, this method also speeds up your metabolism and improves your complexion overtime. This is a simple but effective step on making your body alkaline.
  7. Mixing 1 – 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water also increases the body’s pH and is a great way to kick start your alkaline diet plan. Mix some organic raw honey or Manukka honey to improve the taste.
  8. Keep your body hydrated to flush out toxins effectively by drinking 6-8 glasses of purified or mineral water. Proper hydration also boosts energy by around 30%. Whenever you’re having cravings for sweets, drink a glass of water because most of the time, such cravings signify dehydration. Tap water has fluoride and traces of chlorine so it’s better to avoid it for drinking.
  9. Another tip on how to make your body more alkaline is to add spirulina and chlorophyll supplements in your diet. They are available in pill or tablet form. You will notice an increase in energy and mental clarity as a result of their detoxifying properties.
  10. Go organic in the products that you use daily. Everything that you apply on your skin and scalp is absorbed by your body. Switch to organic body care products to free your liver of extra burden.

Make the first step to a healthier life by incorporating most of them into your lifestyle. Knowing how to make your body alkaline will help you avoid any unwanted consequences of imbalanced body pH.

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